Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Inset Button

Inset Button

1. New document, make a round white circle.

2. Give the circle an Inner Shadow settings:
Color: black
Blend Mode: Multiply
120 degrees
Opacity: 75%
Distance: 5px
Choke: 0px
Size: 21px

3. Give your round circle a Bevel & Emboss effect settings:
Style inner BevelSmooth; Depth: 201; Direction up; Size 10; Angle 90; Attitude 34; Highlight Screen 100% color white; Shadow Mode Multiply color black 100% opacity.

4. Give you circle a stroke blend with these settings: Size 2px; Position: Outside; Blend Normal; Fill type Gradient; Style Linear; Angle -90; Scale 150.

Good Luck

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My Mail

ShoutMix chat widget
Template by : kendhin