Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

LCD screen

LCD screen

1. Create a new layer and select the polygonal marquee tool. Make a shape similar to the one shown here (around 180 pixels high). Go to select > modify > smooth, enter '25' and press ok.

2. Set your foreground color to #D0D2C7 and fill the selection.

3. Open the layer styles dialog for your layer and go to 'inner glow'. Use the following settings:

Blend mode: normal
opacity: 22%
Size: 18px

You can leave the rest of the settings as default. Go to 'inner shadow' and set the inner opacity to 44%, size: 7, and distance: 8. Then Click 'ok'.

4. Create a new layer. Select the Elliptical Marquee tool and and set the mode to 'intersect'. Draw a circle over your already selected shape, so you get something similar to what is shown on the left.

Fill the selection with #FFFFFF and set the blend mode to overlay and the opacity to 40%. Press ctrl+D.

5. Hold down ctrl and click the layer 1 in the layers palette (the one which includes the green shape) to select the outer perimeter. Make sure your foreground color is set to #ffffff.

Create a new layer above the green shape. Go to select > modify > contract and enter a value of '5'. Then smooth the selection with a value of '5'. Fill the slection with #FFFFFF. Contract the selection by '5' again, and delete the selected area.

6. Set the layer's blend mode to overlay and opacity to 35%.

7. Create a new layer above the background, and fill it with a gradient as shown on the left.

8. Select the top half of that layer, then create a new layer. Select the gradient tool and set it to "foreground to transperant". Click and drag from the center up to create a white gradient as shown here.

9. Hold down Ctrl and click the layer in the palette, which has the green shape on it. Create a new layer under it, and expand the selection by 5.

Set your foreground color to a dark grey, then make a gradient directing downwards. Your gradient should look similar to mine on the left.

10. Set the foreground color to white, and make a gradient directing upwards from the bottom.

Open the layer styles dialog box for layer 1, check 'outer glow', and use the following setings:

Blend mode: normal
Opacity: 57%
size: 7 pix

Leave the rest of the options as default and you're done!

Good Luck

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